High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is quote simply, the quickest, most effective way to burn belly fat through exercise. The excellent inforgraphic below gives you the full low-down on HIIT and just how it helps your body:

best exercises to burn belly fat - HIIT
Belly fat will be a thing of the past if you start using high intensity workouts. (infographic from Greatist: http://greatist.com/fitness/complete-guide-interval-training-infographic)

Maximum Belly Fat Loss Through High-Intensity Interval Training

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a popular form of exercise that combines two of the most effective belly fat-burning methods.

The first is high-intensity training, which pushes the body to maximum effort to achieve muscle fatigue and maximum oxygen use in a quick burst. The harder muscles work, the more oxygen they require. This is measured relative to one’s VO2 max, which is the highest amount of oxygen your body consumes during exercise. Working your body close to its VO2 max triggers the afterburn effect, where the body continues to consume oxygen (and burn lots of calories) up to 48 hours after the workout (it takes approximately five calories to consume one liter of oxygen).

The second method is interval training, which alternates periods of intense effort with periods of moderate-to-low intensity effort. Interval training boosts metabolism significantly longer than a steady workout of equal or even greater length (for example, a 20 minute workout of alternating high/low-intensity periods burns more calories than a 20 minute workout of stead intensity). Interval training also builds lean muscle tissue faster than normal steady training.

By combining the above two principles, exercisers can maximize fat-burning and muscle-building potential through significantly shorter workouts. HIIT maximizes increased metabolic rate, optimizes muscle building and muscle retention during fat loss, and increases calorie burn during and after workouts.

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