What Are Superfoods, and Why Is It Vital That You Know About Them?

Superfoods are whole foods (unprocessed) that are naturally high in nutrients and phytochemicals (give foods their color and scent) that may offer health benefits, with few properties considered to be negative (such as in processed foods). For a fairly exhaustive list of the various phytochemicals that can be found in foods, click here.

The wonderful author and speaker Dr. Wayne Dyer says that,
“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change”.
Please read that again and really let it sink in. These words are very descriptive of what happens when you eat transformational foods, also known as superfoods.

Superfoods have been greatly debated in some forums as of late. What I have noticed is that those who insist that superfoods are simply overpriced, invaluable powders are the very same so-called nutritional experts who have never tried them in the first place. Isn’t that interesting?

The conflicting messages in the media are slightly confusing. So before we move on to have a look at what superfoods really are, keep Dr. Dyer’s words in mind: “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change”.

Fat Burning Pro-Tip:

If you really want to turbo-charge your fat burning and weight loss try taking a natural fat burner such as Phen375 or Purefit Keto.

Superfood is not “just food”
Superfoods are raw, mostly vegan, high-quality foods that contain exceptionally high levels of nutrients – a lot of green foods fall into the ‘super’ category. That’s right! Superfoods actually cover all our needs for proteins, vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids and more. Compared to other types of foods, superfoods are absolutely off the chart in terms of nutrient density and Life Force Energy.

Superfoods not only nourish us, but also correct imbalances in the body and help transform us wherever we need it the most. This is possible because they contain elements that work synergistically in the body.

Fat burning super foods you should eat more of to lose weight.

Today more than ever, and especially due to pollution, eating superfoods is a very important and efficient way to ensure that we get enough nutrients. As we have seen in the western part of the world, it is actually possible to be overweight and undernourished at the same time. Though with superfoods, less really is more, because little goes a long way.

Some examples of superfoods are:

  • Wheatgrass
  • Spirulina
  • Marine Phytoplankton
  • Hemp and Goji Berries

Listen to this: Spirulina, a one-celled, sustainable blue-green algae that grows in freshwater, contains about 65 per cent protein (the highest in any food), all essential amino acids, vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, E, K, chlorophyll, enzymes, antioxidants, essential fatty acids (best source of GLA = prevents inflammation), trace minerals, polysaccharides, nucleic acids (RNA/ DNA) and more. It helps endurance, balances blood sugar and brain chemistry, improves blood quality, alleviate anemia, speeds up healing and strengthens the immune system.

Fat Burning Pro-Tip:

If you really want to turbo-charge your fat burning and weight loss try taking a natural fat burner such as Phen375 or Purefit Keto.

25 Of the Best Fat Burning Superfoods

Eating or increasing your intake of these fat burning foods will help you to maintain your health and help you burn fat.

1. Allium
Are the botanical family that includes leeks, onions, and garlic, share many remarkable traits. They help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Research suggests they inhibit the growth of prostate, stomach, and colon cancer cells. They also have antibiotic properties to help ward off illness-causing bacteria.


2. Avocados

Creamy, succulent avocados contain monounsaturated oleic acid (the best kind of fat) and they help your body block the absorption of bad fats (cholesterol). They’re also high in lutein which aids eyesight, and they’re high in potassium and folate which may reduce the risk of stroke and cardiovascular disease.

3. Beets
The pigment betacyanin (a phytochemical) gives beets their distinctive color, but more than that, it is just one of several disease-fighting phytonutrients found in this root vegetable. Beets are also a good source of folate which guards against birth defects, colon cancer, and osteoporosis. They are also high in fiber and beta-carotene.

4. Blueberries
Fresh or frozen, blueberries are high in antioxidants which combat the damage done by inflammation. They are one of many highly effective fat flushing fruits. Anthocyanins (a phytochemical), the natural plant compounds that give blueberries their deep color, may have anti-diabetic effects as well. And new research suggests blueberries might protect the heart.

Fat Burning Pro-Tip:

If you really want to turbo-charge your fat burning and weight loss try taking a natural fat burner such as Phen375 or Purefit Keto.

5. Canned Salmon
King, sockeye, and coho salmon have more DHA plus EPA omega-3 fatty acids than almost any other seafood, as well as some of the lowest mercury levels. Nutritionally, wild-caught Alaskan canned salmon is as good as fresh, and it costs a fraction as much. (There is new research out that suggests that it is unwise to eat fish at all. Do your due diligence).

6. Cinnamon
Cinnamon is the gold medalist of the spice rack, with one of the highest antioxidant levels of all herbs and spices. It also has a positive effect on blood glucose levels, so adding it to foods can keep you feeling steady and satiated.

7. Cruciferous Vegetables
Cruciferous vegetables—cabbages, cauliflower, broccoli rabe—contain a powerful range of disease fighters. One particular hero, sulforaphane, may increase enzymes that lower the incidence of colon and lung cancers.

8. Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate can make or break your day. But why? High antioxidant levels make dark chocolate a perfect indulgence. It’s also high in flavonoids, substances that have been shown to improve blood flow, suppress coughs, improve memory, and bless you with hydrated, smooth skin. Research also shows that natural ingredients in dark chocolate bear a striking similarity to a widely used mood-stabilizing drug. A 1 oz. dose of chocolate a day is now officially the doctor’s order.

9. Dark, Leafy Greens
Dark, leafy greens like spinach, seaweeds, kale, and swiss chard are excellent source of iron, vitamin A, and lutein for eye health. Best of all, they are loaded with omega-3s.


10. Figs

Used for thousands of years in the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern cultures, figs are an excellent source of dietary fiber (almost 2 grams each!). They’re also a good source of calcium and potassium.

11. Flaxseed
Omega-3 fatty acids are becoming increasingly popular nutrition buzzwords, and for good reason! Research has revealed that they speed up cell metabolism and reduce inflammation in the body, thereby reducing triglyceride levels and lowering blood pressure. Caution: as our bodies are unable to break down the husk of a whole flax seed, use ground flaxseeds.

12. Greek Yogurt
You may have noticed recently that a large area of the dairy aisle is being used to house Greek yogurt. So why is it so popular? Well, it’s huge in protein content, containing twice the protein of regular yogurt. It’s low in carbs and is as decadent as chocolate (hmmm dark chocolate and Greek yogurt…). Like the milk it’s made from, yogurt is a very good source of calcium, phosphorus, and protein. Unlike milk, real yogurt also contains probiotics, the good bacteria your digestive system needs to process and benefit from all the other things you eat. Lactobacillus casei, for example, boosts immune response.

Green tea

13. Green Tea

While all teas (black, white, and green) have protective antioxidants, green tea offers us the most. It’s full of a metabolism-boosting compound called EGCG which prevents damage to the heart. Green tea may also improve bone density. Caution: avoid adding milk to your tea —it reduces the body’s absorption of the catechins.

14. Horseradish
Glucosinolate-rich horseradish fights cancer and kills bacteria. It’s also a good source of calcium, potassium, and vitamin C which, among other things, helps maintain collagen.

15. Spices that Burn Fat: Black Pepper, Cayenne, Ginger
That heat on your tongue when you eat spices such as ginger, cayenne, and black pepper is evidence of gingerols, capsaicin, and piperine, compounds that boost metabolism. They also have an aphrodisiac effect. Caution: avoid consuming them if you’re bothered by hot flashes.

16. Miso
Deeply flavorful miso, a fermented soybean paste, is a great source of low-calorie protein (two grams in a 25-calorie serving). It also contains B12 and is a good source of zinc which helps the immune system function properly.

Fat Burning Pro-Tip:

If you really want to turbo-charge your fat burning and weight loss try taking a natural fat burner such as Phen375 or Purefit Keto.

17. Oregano
Superstar levels of antioxidants mean that a half teaspoon of dried oregano has the benefits of a spinach salad. Oregano has the ability the suitsto act as an expectorant, clearing congestion, and can also improve digestion.

18. Sardines
Wild-caught sardines are low in mercury (unlike some types of tuna) and high in vitamin D; a three-ounce serving has as much calcium as a cup of milk. Even better, they’re one of the Monterey Bay Aquarium’s top picks for sustainability.

19. Seaweed (Hijiki, Wakame, Kelp, Nori)
Think of eating seaweed as going directly to the source—this is where fish get THEIR Omega-3′s. Why not skip the fish and go straight to the seaweed? Seaweeds contain nutrients commonly found in green, leafy vegetables AND with most minerals found in the ocean giving them a one-two punch. They’re also full of magnesium, which may prevent migraines and asthma attacks.

20. Sesame Seeds
Tiny, tasty sesame seeds contain unique lignans (plant compounds), including sesamin and sesamolin that can help lower cholesterol. The seeds are a good source of calcium, phosphorous, and zinc—as well as copper. Research around copper suggests that it may help maintain strong bones.

21. Spelt
Like whole wheat, ancient spelt is sweeter, nuttier, and higher in protein than its processed relatives. Both are also good sources of manganese and copper.

22. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes

Whether orange or white, sweet potatoes contain phytonutrients that promote heart and eye health, and boost immunity. They’re rich in beta-carotene (thought to lower breast cancer risk) and vitamin A (may reduce the effects of smoking).

23. Turmeric
Turmeric, used in holistic medicine as a digestive aid and wound healer, can also serve as an anti-inflammatory. Reach for the curry (turmeric is a primary ingredient) when nursing a toothache or a sprain.

Fat Burning Pro-Tip:

If you really want to turbo-charge your fat burning and weight loss try taking a natural fat burner such as Phen375 or Purefit Keto.

24. Walnuts
Of all nuts, walnuts contain the most alpha-linolenic omega-3 fatty acids which lower LDL (bad) cholesterol, and may reduce inflammation in arteries. Walnuts are also a great source of antioxidants, vitamin E, selenium, and magnesium.

25. Whole Grains
Don’t eat whole grains (such as buckwheat and quinoa) just because they are high in magnesium, B vitamins, fiber, and manganese. Do it because they taste great—nutty, buttery, earthy. And that, in turn, may actually help you to not overeat. One study found that people feel fuller after eating buckwheat than after eating other grains.

I have seen really great results in balancing the thyroid and increasing energy with this algae. Spirulina is a cooling, wet food, making it especially beneficial to balance the tendency to be too hot or dehydrated. What’s more, the energy of Spirulina is calming, a much needed inner trait for young and old alike in our society. Not bad for a food!

How is this possible you may ask?

High-quality superfoods vibrate on very high frequencies because they carry the energy from where they have grown, which are mostly in pristine, remote corners of the world. Their extraordinary potency changes our consciousness when we take it in by raising our vibration (frequency) and transform the way we view the world.

In my experience, high-quality superfoods are so filled with Life Force Energy that they assist us in releasing the illusion of separation (the stuff that make us unhappy and create war) and as a consequence, change the way we view the world.

Fat Burning Pro-Tip:

If you really want to turbo-charge your fat burning and weight loss try taking a natural fat burner such as Phen375 or Purefit Keto.

Remember, “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change”.

How to incorporate Superfoods into your life
I use superfoods in:

  • smoothies
  • raw cakes
  • snack bars
  • ice creams
  • dips and sauces
  • trail mixes

Superfoods come in many forms such as powders, liquids and seeds. All of these are great to include in any raw meal.

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