The road to losing weight, specifically belly fat can be a discouraging one, especially when it comes to dealing with that super stubborn belly fat. But it is possible to burn off a muffin top even while you sleep.

We want to share 6 delicious, natural, healthy drinks that will help you burn your belly fat faster. These fat burning drinks are simple to make, delicious to drink and have a variety of benefits to your body.

The best time to drink them is before sleep. Without further ado, here’s our 6 belly fat burning drinks (in no particular order):

Fat Burning Pro-Tip:

If you really want to turbo-charge your fat burning and weight loss try taking a natural fat burner such as Phen375 or Purefit Keto.

1: Lemon and Ginger Tea

Lemon and ginger tea

As we outlined in our recent post on the fat burning and general health benefits of ginger, drinking ginger tea will not only help you burn belly fat, but also has lots of other general health benefits. Ginger is something of a ‘superfood’ in the benefits it offers you.

Ginger has widely-known medicinal properties but a study published in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences revealed it also works effectively against obesity. Ginger also aids digestion and helps stop any stomach upset or discomfort you may be suffering.

To make ginger tea cut about 4-5 thin slices of a fresh ginger root and place them in a large mug. Pour hot, but not boiling water over them, cover them and leave doe 5-10 minutes. Strain the liquid and add 1-2 teaspoons of honey and freshly squeezed lemon juice.

2: Pineapple Juice

Pineapple juice

The humble pineapple adds value to your fat burning goals because it’s an antioxidant, low in calories and rich in fiber. According to the Joslin Diabetic Center, fiber-rich foods and drinks make you feel full without adding to your stomach fat.

Like lemon juice a glass of cold, delicious, and freshly squeezed pineapple juice is always refreshing. However, you can enjoy this as a warm and soothing drink instead. Simply blend or squeeze pineapple juice together with lemon.

Add slices or chunks of pineapples to your water, if you like as well. If the pineapple is ripe it will be sweet enough, you won’t need to add honey – for less ripe pineapples, you could add a little honey to sweeten it up.

3: Green Tea

Green tea

Green tea’s chemical composition is so complex that even experts debate on its health benefits. Scientists from Japan stated in a 2017 study published in the journal Nutrients, that drinking green tea before bedtime can promote better sleep quality among middle-aged people.

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition claimed the positive effects of green tea on weight and body fat reduction, particularly on belly fat.

Green tea properties are linked to the compounds called catechins a well-known, belly fat burner. So, swap your morning coffee for a cup of green tea for faster, more efficient weight loss and more health benefits.

The caffeine content found in green tea is low, so it helps the body become more relaxed. And if you sleep better, you can boost your metabolism better to prevent weight gain. But there’s an added benefit to this drink. Because green tea is an antioxidant, it also aids in weight loss and cutting down that unwanted belly fat.

4: Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar

It’s great to lose weight with apple cider vinegar because it helps you burn fat, feel full and energized, and lower your blood sugar naturally! Not only can you jumpstart your weight loss with apple cider vinegar, but it can help you keep off the pounds, too.

Whether freshly made or bought in stores, apple cider vinegar offers many health benefits. Apple cider vinegar has antibiotic and antibacterial properties, so this drink can help with stomach upsets, bacteria-causing diaorrhea, and intestinal spasms.

Apple cider vinegar is a natural way to manage your weight and feel good doing it. Apple cider vinegar is safe and healthy for most people, but if you have issues with acid reflux or heartburn you should use caution and talk to your doctor first.

Mix 1/2 or 1 tablespoon of ACV into a glass of cold water with a little honey about 15 minutes before each meal. If you prefer, you can combine this with lemon juice and a few slices of fresh apple.

Fat Burning Pro-Tip:

If you really want to turbo-charge your fat burning and weight loss try taking a natural fat burner such as Phen375 or Purefit Keto.

5: Grapefruit and Honey Cinnamon Juice

Grapefruit Juice

People who love a detoxifying diet mainly eat or drink grapefruit because it’s hydrating and filling. Aside from that, it’s packed with nutrients and helps with your metabolism.

The effects of grapefruit on weight control have been studied directly – 91 obese individuals, eating half a fresh grapefruit before meals caused weight loss of 3.5 pounds (1.6 kg) over a period of 12 weeks.

The grapefruit group also had reductions in insulin resistance, a metabolic abnormality that is implicated in various chronic diseases. Although cinnamon does not directly increase fat burning (such as by boosting your metabolic rate, etc), it can actually help you to burn off belly fat and get leaner in an indirect way. Cinnamon contains 5 TIMES as many antioxidants as blueberries or pomegranate juice!

Squeeze at least half a glass of grapefruit juice, which will be added to a simple honey cinnamon syrup mixture.

You can make the syrup by mixing a glass of water, a little honey to taste, and cinnamon sticks. Let this mixture simmer in a pan for seven minutes before adding the grapefruit and cold water in a pitcher. Garnish the drink with mint.

6: Lemon and Cucumber Juice

Lemon cucumber juice

Drinking lemon water provides heaps of benefits, including burning belly fat. A study published in the Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine showed that people who drank lemon juice four times a day while fasting reduced their body fat mass and improved their lipid profile.

To make your lemon drink taste better and be more effective, combine the fruit with a sliced cucumber or two, an orange, and a pitcher of water. Add a little honey to taste and garnish this drink with some mint as well, if you like. This makes a perfect refreshing, fat burning summer drink for the patio as well!

Fat Burning Pro-Tip:

If you really want to turbo-charge your fat burning and weight loss try taking a natural fat burner such as Phen375 or Purefit Keto.

These fat burning drink suggestions are all really quick and easy to prepare. You can always modify or add more healthy ingredients to any of these fat burning drinks to your preference as well – everyone’s tastes are different.

If consumed regularly, you will soon see the effects of the drinks on your belly fat.

Check out our posts on fruits that burn fat and fat burning foods for more ideas on how to eat healthy food that burns fat.

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6 Drinks that burn belly fat
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