If you want to lose weight, you’re not alone. Unfortunately, it’s not that easy for many people to find the right way to lose unwanted pounds and inches.

Much of what they try doesn’t work out well, and even if it does work it’s so difficult that it gets abandoned after just a short time. It’s not enjoyable.

However, there are some super foods out there that are great for weight loss, and eating them can help you be slimmer and trimmer in no time, without an excessive amount of work.

There is no magic pill for losing weight overnight, no matter what some diets indicate and what some Websites say. You still have to eat less and move more, but these foods can help make it easier.

Fat Burning Pro-Tip:

If you really want to turbo-charge your fat burning and weight loss try taking a natural fat burner such as Phen375 or Purefit Keto.

Here are our top ten foods that burn fat:


Lean grass fed steak

Yes, really. People who ate a diet that had red meat in it lost more weight than people who avoided it, largely because red meat helps you keep muscle mass while you lose weight. Just make sure to buy grass-fed steak if possible.


Quinoa is a fat burning super food

Eating this whole grain can help you lose more weight because it contains a lot of fiber and a lot of protein.


Eggs are a great weight loss super food

Women who ate eggs in the morning instead of a bagel lost twice as much weight. Contrary to popular opinion, eggs won’t harm your heart, either.


Kale is packed full of nutrients

Kale has often been relegated to the side of the plate, but it should be front and center. Iron, calcium, and fiber are all contained in it, and it’s a good choice for both health and weight loss.

Goji berries

Goji berries are a great fat burning food

Goji berries are chewy and tart, and they have both protein and a lot of amino acids. They’re also very low in calories.

Fat Burning Pro-Tip:

If you really want to turbo-charge your fat burning and weight loss try taking a natural fat burner such as Phen375 or Purefit Keto.

Green tea

Green tea – the flat stomach ‘miracle’?

Green tea is a great choice for weight loss and for your health in general. Check out some of the benefits here.


Oily fish such as salmon can help lower cholesterol and is a great source of protein

Oily fish such as salmon and sardines are rich in Omega-3’s, should also be eaten for weight loss, because it’s low in bad fats and low in calories, as well.


Blueberries are full of antioxidants and delicious to snack on

Blueberries are high in antioxidants and they fill you up without filling you out.



This fruit is similar to the blueberry in its antioxidant levels and the juice is a healthy way to help lower the number on the scale.

Olive oil

Olive oil is great for lowering cholesterol

Whenever you cook something that requires oil, use olive oil instead of other types. It’s been linked to a lowered risk of heart attack and other health problems, and it’s lower in fat than other oils. Check out some of the benefits of eating more olives.

If you incorporate these foods into your diet, you’ll see weight loss more easily than without them. You’ll also get the health benefits that they bring to the table, letting you live a longer and happier life.

Even without their weight-loss properties, these 10 foods are great choices for anyone’s diet in order to maintain good health, but their weight-loss abilities make them even more popular.

Fat Burning Pro-Tip:

If you really want to turbo-charge your fat burning and weight loss try taking a natural fat burner such as Phen375 or Purefit Keto.

If you want to be healthier overall, and you want to drop those pounds and inches along with it, take the advice of doctors and nutritionists and make these foods a part of your life. Check out more fat burning foods and fruits that burn fat for more healthy eating ideas.

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