Here’s a TED talk given by Anna Lappe on how devious food companies are targeting your children and damaging their health. It’ll open your eyes. And hopefully change your perceptions.

2:20 Can you guess how much money the food industry spends marketing to kids?

3:55 Find out just how many thousands of ads kids see if they watch a regular amount of television.

5:54 Find out how companies like Coca-Cola and Pepsi are straight-up conning school communities to buy their products.

12:00 You’ll never believe where McDonald’s wanted to advertise.

From the video description:
“Project Director of the Food MythBusters, Anna Lappe takes on the billion-dollar business of marketing junk food, soda, and fast food to children and teens. With diet-related related illnesses alarmingly on the rise, pervasive marketing of junk food to kids is downright dangerous. The food industry says its up to parents to raise healthy kids. Lappe agrees, that’s why she says leave parenting to her–and the millions of moms and dads trying to raise healthy kids. Learn about the dubious marketing tactics of the junk food giants and the ways you can fight back to promote kids’ health.”

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