Proteins are organic compounds made up of many types of amino acids which are obtained from different types of foods. Proteins are the largest component of body other than water. Therefore protein performs many important functions for our body. Protein helps to provide structural integrity to the body. 

Protein can control your body growth.
 Protein works for our blood cells. It helps to move muscles, food digestion and support our body skeleton. Protein protects our body from infections. It gives energy to our body. Proteins are very important nutrients of our daily diet. It is very essential for proper growth of teeth, skin, hair, tissues and nails. Proteins are present in red blood in the shape of hemoglobin molecules. There are two types of protein.

Structural protein is present in the form of bones, muscles, skin, blood, hair and tissues. Amino acidswhich are present in our hormones, digestive enzymes and antibodies are functional proteins. Amino acids make a long chain of building blocks in our body. Meat and vegetables are good source of proteins. Proteins contain twelve essential and eight non-essential amino acids.

15 percent of our body mass is made of protein. You should include proper proportion of protein in your daily diet. Eggs, fish, chicken and milk are good sources of protein as well. Your body needs different types of proteins. Proteins from animals are very beneficial as it contains amino acids. Beans, peanuts and peas are very good source of protein. Protein is also found in grains and seeds.

Protein helps our body to fight against injuries. Protein is very good for growing children. Proteins are very good for the people who do body building. Albumin is a very essential protein. It is a major component of blood. Less intake of protein can cause physical weakness and make our immune system weak. Protein repairs dead and worn-out cells. Extreme consumption of protein may cause the formation of ketone bodies. Proteins can be had both in the form of capsules, as well as shakes. You can mix protein powder in the milk and consume it after physical exercises. Proteins are considered healthy for our muscles and bones.

The list of the non essential amino acids are; Alanine, Arginine, Asparagine, Aspartic Acid, Cysteine, Glutamic Acid, Glutamine, Glycine, Proline, Serine, and Tyrosine. There are a few people who cannot produce the non essential amino acids – arginine, cysteine, glycine, and tyrosine in their body. This can happen due to certain ailments or genetic abnormalities.

There are basically two types of proteins; complete and incomplete. Most of the complete proteins are obtained from animal sources such as meat, eggs, dairy and poultry products. They are called complete proteins because they contain all the nine essential amino acids in adequate proportion. Most of the incomplete proteins are derived from vegetable sources and do not contain all the nine essential amino acids.

Sources of incomplete proteins are; dried beans, dried peas, lentils, seeds, peanuts, grains, cereals, nuts etc.  Most of the plant products lack in only one essential amino acid. The only plant based food which is a source of complete protein is soy. Proteins are required for many activities and processes in our body. They are required to build cell structures in our body.  They are involved in building body tissues and organs. They are needed for cellular and muscle repair.

They also strengthen the immune system preventing anti body activities and allergies. They are needed to produce hormones, synthesize neurotransmitters, and support chemical reactions in the body. They aid in blood clotting and transportation of substances in the body. They help to maintain the fluid and ph balance in the body.

The proteins we ingest through food are broken down into amino acids in our body. Our body requires many different types of proteins to function as building blocks. There should be adequate supply of all such types of protein in our body for them to be synthesized in our body. Hence, it is very important to eat a diet rich in proteins; especially those containing all the essential amino acids.

Proteins are crucial for muscle growth and development. They are vital for growth and therefore all growing children must be given a diet rich in proteins. They are essential for various other activities also. Whenever proteins are used in our body, they should be replaced. Otherwise, our bodily functions will come to a stall. Intake of proteins should be high during pregnancy and lactation also.

One gram of protein contains about 4 kilocalories. The body first uses carbohydrates and fats as the source of energy. Only then, it resorts to using proteins for energy.  The body requires about 20% of its daily calorie intake from protein. However, one can easily increase intake of protein in their diet  while simultaneously reducing the consumption of carbohydrates as well as fats.

This is because proteins can be burned to generate energy in our body also, just like carbohydrates and fats are utilized for energy. There is another benefit of increased protein consumption. Proteins are digested at a slower rate than carbohydrates and fats. This means that they stay in our stomach for a longer time. This will keep hunger at bay as protein ingestion will make you feel fuller for a longer time period.

This is very helpful for weight watchers who need to monitor and limit their calorie intake. It also keeps away weight gaining habits of snacking and binging in between meals.

A high protein diet also reduced production of insulin in the body. This is beneficial for people suffering from diabetes and metabolic syndrome. This also aids in weight loss. Hence, protein is an important constituent of most weight loss diets. In fact, it is believed that high protein diets can control amount of cholesterol and help stabilize blood sugar level.

To make your meals wholesome in proteins; include numerous sources of proteins in your daily diet.  Also, be careful while choosing the sources of proteins. Some of the meats are high in proteins but are simultaneously high in fats also. Avoid red meats like lamb, mutton and beef. They have high quantities of saturated fats. Instead, eat lean meats like chicken and fish. Remove skin and fats from poultry products. Also, opt for chicken breasts as they contain very less amount of fat. In addition, avoid processed and luncheon meats like sausages and bacon.

Pick fish like salmon, trout or tuna that is rich in proteins as well as healthy fats. Opt for low fat dairy products. In addition, avoid cooking greasy meats loaded with fats. So, refrain from deep frying your meats. Baking, grilling, steaming, microwaving and boiling are much healthier ways to cook your meat. People who include meat in their diet daily, should increase consumption of chicken and fish. Even the egg yolks have high quantities of saturated fats.

So, try to remove the yolk and use only egg whites while cooking food. Consumption of red meat should be limited to about 2-3 times in a week. There are many vegetarian sources of proteins that are low in fats. Soy is an excellent source of protein for vegetarians. Other vegetarian sources of proteins are; nuts, seeds, legumes and dairy products like milk, yogurt, cheese etc.

Combine different type of plant foods in your diet to make them a source of complete proteins. This is because each plant products lacks in only one essential amino acid. Thus, combining two or more in your meals will make them an adequate source of proteins. There are other combinations also that can transform your meals into complete proteins. Instances of such healthy combinations are; rice and beans, peanut butter on wheat bread, and split pea soup with corn bread.

High Protein Diets For Weight Loss

Unlike any other low fat diet plan, a high protein diet helps you reach your optimum weight goal by making using your body’s physiology to its best and like any other diet plans you’ll need to follow few key steps to get it right and reap maximum benefits.

Your body needs good amount of nutrition,protein along with carbohydrates and fats form the macronutrients which is needed in a large quantity by our body for it to function properly.Proteins form the base of our body they are the building blocks that are essential for the your bones, muscles and skin. But unlike fat and carbohydrates our body does not store proteins. So our daily diet should include adequate amounts of proteins to cover the nutritional needs of your body.

In a high protein diet, you replace your daily intake of carbohydrate with proteins with the intention that the body uses proteins instead of body fat  of dietary carbs. Though it is a more complex process of converting proteins to energy, it has got more benefits than any other diet plans.

High protein diet helps a great deal in making weight loss easier, since you are going to feel pretty full after one meal you wont have the tendency to snack between meals. Proteins also increases the fluid secretion of your body so the water weight in your body will be reduced.

But while following a high protein diet, keep few important things in your mind, this diet is NOT a long term solution for weight loss, like any other diet plan your body will get accustomed to this too and slowly it will lose its effectiveness. Another important point is, you’ll need to compensate for the fruits and vegetables that you are eliminating from the diet. Amongst other things they provide your body with anitoxidants, that help prevent cancer and essential vitamins which like proteins are not stored in your body. So you’ll need to ensure you are including them in the diet too.

This kind of diet may also require you to reduce the intake of grains; grains are very essential for providing your body with the required fiber content. Fiber helps the body eliminate the excess cholesterol helping you maintain a healthy blood level and reducing your carbohydrate intake will put your body at risk.

Also remember that just because this diet is a high protein diet you gorge on any type of proteins, this will result in other health problems like heart and liver conditions. Instead of consuming healthy proteins you may end up having too much of saturated fats. High protein diet should consist of lean meat and low fat dairy products, if you are buying processed food then read the ingredients properly.

Choose white meat and skinless chicken over red meat, cut down saturated fat as much as possible to reap the best out of a high protein diet.

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