Tonsillitis Herbal Remedies


  • White willow relieves fever, headaches, and pain.
  • Echinacea fights bacterial and viral infections and enhances the immune system.
  • For relief of tonsillitis pain, drink hot tea made from equal parts of dried elderflower, peppermint, and yarrow. Drink this throughout the day.
  • Mullein tea and ginger tea are soothing to the throat and great for dry, nagging coughs
  • For a sore and irritated throat, gargle with tea tree oil or fenugreek
  • Raspberry tea, marshmallow root tea, and slippery elm bark lozenges helps to ease pain due to a scratchy, sore throat
  • Gargle with red sage tea (prepared with hot malt vinegar) Caution: Do not use sage if you suffer from any type of seizure disorder.
  • Alcohol-free extract of goldenseal or St. Johnswort can relieve a sore throat. Caution: Do not take goldenseal on a daily basis for more than a week at a time, and do not use during pregnancy. Do not give goldenseal to children under two. Do not use goldenseal without consulting a physician if you have had heart disease, diabetes, glaucoma, a stroke, or high blood pressure or if you are allergic to ragweed.
  • Thyme makes a good gargle for sore throats and relieves headaches.


  • Drink plenty of fluids, especially pineapple juice diluted with water, unsweetened fruit or vegetable juices
  • Drink more citrus juices with honey and hot water, warm liquids or warm soup for soothing relief
  • Include lots of pasta, cereals, fruits and vegetables in your diet.
  • Cut down on dry rough foods, pickles, and vinegar’s

In some cases, herbal products can interact negatively with other medications.  Such interactions can be dangerous.  Herbal remedies are not regulated and their quality is not controlled.  Moreover, while there is an abundant supply of information circulating about herbs, not much of it has been scientifically proven.  Consult your physician.  Informing your doctor and pharmacist of what herbal products you are using is just as important as letting them know what drugs you are taking.  Your physician and the pharmacist on duty at your pharmacy can assist you in deciding which herbs
are safe.