Dermatitis Herbal Remedies



  • An arnica ointment relieves pain and produces anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects
  • Licorice may be useful in treating dermatitis and infections due to its antibacterial and mild antiviral effects. Caution: Do not use licorice on a daily basis for more than seven days in a row, and avoid it completely if you have high blood pressure or heart problems.
  • Poultices combining chaparral and yellow dock root can be helpful. Caution: Chaparral is recommended for external use only.
  • Drink two cups of stinging-nettle tea daily. This helps to relieve skin conditions due to its anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Calendula and echinacea ointments are soothing and healing.
  • Goldenseal can be applied externally for its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. (Try mixing goldenseal root powder with vitamin E oil. Add a little honey until it is the consistency of a loose paste and apply this mixture to the affected area to promote healing and relieve itching).
  • The following herbs can be used in tea or capsule form: myrrh, pau d’arco, and red clover. Alternate among them for best results. Caution: Do not exceed recommended dose of myrrh. Do not use myrrh during pregnancy or if you have kidney disease.
  • Evening primrose helps maintain healthy skin
  • Burdock extract has antibacterial and antifungal properties
  • Topical treatments that include commercial preparations of glycyrrhetinic acid, chamomile, or witch hazel are recommended.


  • Kelp contains iodine and other minerals needed for healing tissues. Take 1,000 milligrams of kelp daily.
  • Take essential fatty acids to promote lubrication of the skin (black currant seed oil, flaxseed oil, primrose oil, and salmon oil are all good choices)
  • Drink fresh carrot juice daily, carrot juice is bursting with beta-carotene and works wonders for the skin.


A well balanced diet is a more natural source of nutrients and it is best to get as much as possible from food. If you are not eating a varied mixture of the main food groups or foods high in a certain nutrient needed for your health situation then make up the remaining through vitamin and mineral supplementation.

  • Zinc: 15 milligrams.  Caution: Do not exceed a total of 80 milligrams daily from all supplements. Taking over 80 milligrams of zinc daily can weaken the immune system
  • Vitamin A: 5,000 IU
  • Vitamin B complex: 50-100 milligrams three times daily, with meals.
  • Vitamin E: 400 IU. Caution: If you are taking anticoagulants drugs, you should not take vitamin E supplements
  • Vitamin C: 3,500-5,000 milligrams. Caution: Some people experience diarrhea when taking doses of vitamin C exceeding 1,200 milligrams daily.

In some cases, herbal products can interact negatively with other medications.  Such interactions can be dangerous.  Herbal remedies are not regulated and their quality is not controlled.  Moreover, while there is an abundant supply of information circulating about herbs, not much of it has been scientifically proven.  Consult your physician.  Informing your doctor and pharmacist of what herbal products you are using is just as important as letting them know what drugs you are taking.  Your physician and the pharmacist on duty at your pharmacy can assist you in deciding which herbs
are safe.