Keto Calculator

Use our diet calculators to aid your weight loss goals

Use this keto macro calculator to easily calculate your mix of carbohydrates, fats and proteins per day depending on your goal: maintaining weight, gaining or losing weight. Calorie and macro balance is based on the ketogenic diet’s macronutrient recommendations.

How to use the keto calculator?
This keto calculator estimates your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) and then splits the different types of macronutrients according to the ketogenic dietary prescription. You can see the macronutrient balance in the keto diet below for reference on how we calculate your keto nutrition profile.

To calculate your calorie needs, you need to enter your age, gender, height, weight and activity level which includes exercise and other physical activity. Finally, select your chosen stringency of the diet from the drop down: ketonic, moderate and liberal, with C/P/F representing the percentages of carbs, proteins and fats in the dietary mix. The ketogenic calculator will display the amount (in ounces or grams) and caloric equivalence of the carbs, proteins and fats (lipids) you need to consume per day.

You should try to eat according to the macronutrients given and to spread your meals out during the day, but you should not be overly worried about getting the exact numbers each and every day and meal as small fluctuation should be OK as long as you are close to the estimate.

What is the Ketogenic Diet?
The ketogenic diet, a.k.a. keto diet, is a high-fat, adequate-protein, low-carbohydrate nutritional regime that in medicine is used primarily to treat difficult-to-control (refractory) epilepsy in children. The diet forces the body to burn fats rather than carbohydrates. Normally, the carbohydrates contained in food are converted into glucose, which is then transported around the body and is particularly important in fueling brain function.

However, if the carbohydrates in the diet are small in quantity the liver starts converting fat into fatty acids and ketone bodies which then pass into the brain to replace glucose as an energy source. The fastest way to reach ketosis is to fast, but fasting can only go on for so long while eating on a low-carb diet can go on for a long time without negative consequences, for most people (be sure to consult your physician).

keto diet
It is now a mainstream dietary regime used wih the intent to reduce weight as it is safe for most people, but one should be especially aware of going ketogenic if one takes diabetes medicine, medication for high blood pressure or is breastfeeding. Typical foods include cheese, eggs, fish and seafood, natural fats, meet, vegetables that grow above ground. The key to maintaining the diet is low carb intake – usually with the goal of eating less than 50 grams or even less than 20 grams of carbohydrates per day. The fewer the carbs, the better, usually. Things to avoid include: fruit, potatoes, pasta, beer, bread, soda, chocolate, candy, donuts, etc.

Macronutrient balance in the ketogenic diet
A macronutrient (macro) is one of three main sources of daily energy supply: carbohydrates, proteins and fats. All of them are essential in maintaining a healthy life and good exercise condition, but different diets and different occasions call for different balance between them and our keto calculator is here to help you estimate how much of each you need to consume to follow a keto dietary plan.

Our keto calculator has three predefined macro balance schemes depending on how strict you want to be in your keto diet. These are as specified in the table below:

Macronutrients in the keto diet
Diet Carbohydrates Proteins Fats
Ketogenic 5% 15% 80%
Moderate 7% 15% 78%
Liberal 10% 15% 75%
Naturally, all of the above sum to 100%. You can always specify a custom balance following a different diet plan, but don’t forget to consult your physician if making significant dietary decisions.