Dandruff is due to the excessive shedding of dead skin cells from the scalp. Many people have this chronic scalp disorder, which is marked by itching and excessive flaking of the scalp. Although dandruff isn’t contagious and is rarely serious, it can be embarrassing and surprisingly persistent. Dandruff can happen at any age but is most commonly found in people between the ages of 12 and 80. Dandruff is the result of the normal growing process of the skin cells of the scalp. Shedding of dead skin cells from the scalp at an excessive rate, is the result of the normal growing process of the skin cells of the scalp.

Dandruff – causes, symptoms and treatment.

Dandruff can cause either an overly dry scalp with itchy white flakes that may be waxy or greasy or dandruff can manifest as an oily greasy scalp with scales. The condition usually responds very well to treatment, but will commonly reoccur if treatment is stopped. This condition can appear at any time from infancy to old age, and can come and go more or less at random. Treatment of seborrhea (dandruff) is directed at fighting the skin inflammation.

Some people say their dandruff gets worse when they are stress, anxiety and tension. Since dandruff is a natural process, it cannot be eliminated; it can only be controlled. Dandruff is most severe during the winter and mildest during the summer. Dandruff is a chronic condition. It can almost always be controlled, but dandruff treatment may take a little patience and persistence.

Dandruff scales usually occur as small, round, white-to-gray patches on top of the head. One of the best known treatments for dandruff for years was Head & Shoulders. The new dandruff shampoos have changed quite a bit and have become a lot more sophisticated. Pantene make a good dandruff shampoo. Seborrhoeic dermatitis is more common in people with HIV, and those with an underlying neurological illness, such as Parkinson’s disease. In general, mild scaling can often be helped by daily cleansing with a gentle shampoo to reduce oiliness and cell buildup. People who actually have a dry scalp are also dry all over their skin.

Causes of Dandruff

Dandruff may be a hypersensitive reaction to the proliferation of Pityrosporum ovale, a yeast that occurs naturally on the scalp. This fungus lives off of fat compounds in human oil, creating an acid; more specifically, the fungus metabolizes triglycerides present in sebum by the expression of lipase, resulting in a lipid byproduct oleic acid. Dandruff can be caused by nutritional deficiencies, such as a lack of vitamin B, or essential fatty acids. Exactly what causes an overgrowth of these organisms isn’t known, although increased oil production; hormonal fluctuations; stress; illness; neurological disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease; a suppressed immune system; infrequent shampooing and extra sensitivity to the malassezia fungus may contribute to the development of dandruff.

Common causes and risk factors of Dandruff:

  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • Allergic hypersensitive.
  • Excessive use of hair sprays and gels.
  • Heredity predisposition.
  • Emotional stress.
  • Cold weather and dry indoor heating.

Signs and Symptoms of Dandruff

Dandruff is not contagious and is normally not a serious problem. Some cases of excessive dandruff accompanied by intense itching and patches of flaky skin on the face or elsewhere are actually a form of eczema referred to as seborrheic eczema. This skin disorder causes an accumulation of dead skin cells that form thick silvery scales. Psoriasis commonly occurs on your knees, elbows and trunk, but it can also affect your scalp.

Sign and symptoms may include the following :

  • Dry skin.
  • A red, itchy, scaling scalp.
  • Scalp can be either excessively dry or oily.
  • Flakes of dead skin.

Treatment for Dandruff

In severe cases dermatologists will prescribe a special ointment or lotion to treat the problem. It is generally agreed that drugstore products which contain zinc pyritheone or selenium sulfide are the most effective in ridding the scalp of dandruff flakes. Dandruff responds well to the use of medicated or anti-fungal (anti-yeast) shampoos, and there is a wide variety available from pharmacies. Scalp preparations contain various combinations of these. Be careful when using tar, however, as it can discolour fair hair and bed linen.

Treatment may include:

  • The antifungal properties of tea tree oil have been reported as useful in the treatment of dandruff.
  • Vinegar is also used as treatment.
  • Tar containing shampoos are also used for treatment of dandruff.
  • Itching or soreness on your scalp.

Dandruff Home Remedies

Dandruff is the most common condition affecting the scalp. This condition can appear at any time from infancy to old age, and can come and go more or less at random. It is a natural and harmless scalp condition in which the shedding of dead skin cells occurs at an unusually fast rate. It is an itchy, annoying and persistent skin disorder of the scalp. It is a form of skin inflammation which has no known cause, and can appear at any time from infancy to old age. It can also be a symptom of seborrhoeic dermatitis , psoriasis , fungal infection or head lice. Seborrhea can present as a variety of conditions such as dandruff, thick scales on the scalp, redness on the face or in the armpits, or raw, red patches below the breasts. Cradle cap is the term used when seborrheic dermatitis affects the scalp of infants. Treatment of seborrhea (dandruff) is directed at fighting the skin inflammation.

Home Remedies for Dandruff

Below are presented a few Dandruff cure home remedies:

  • Grind into a fine paste two tablespoons of fenugreek seeds that have been soaked for eight hours in water. Apply to scalp and wash out after 30 minutes.
  • Make a mixture of 2 teaspoons of vinegar and 6 teaspoons of water and apply it on the scalp before you go to bed.
  • The use of a teaspoon of fresh lime juice for the last rinse, while washing the hair, is another useful remedy.
  • Beets have been found useful in dandruff.
  • Mayonnaise is also a beneficial remedies for hair having dandruff .
  • Apply warmed coconut oil with the juice of two lemons, and leave in hair for two hours before shampooing out.
  • The juice of snake gourd has been found beneficial in the prevention and treatment of dandruff.
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