The conjunctiva is the thin, clear membrane over the white part of the eye; it also lines the eyelids. It is a fairly common condition and usually causes no danger to the eye or your child’s vision. Acute conjunctivitis is redness and soreness (inflammation) of the clear covering (the conjunctiva) which coats the white of the eye and lines the inside of the eye lids.

Conjunctivitis symptoms treatments and causes

The three most common types of conjunctivitis are: viral , allergic , and bacterial. Each requires different treatments. Often called “pink eye,” it is an inflammation of the conjunctiva, the tissue that lines the inside of the eyelid. Inflammation of this membrane is called conjunctivitis. Its common name, pink eye, can refer to all forms of conjunctivitis, or just to its contagious forms.

Pink eye may make you feel as if you’ve got something in one or both of your eyes that you just can’t remove. The term describes any inflammatory process that involves the conjunctiva; however, to most patients, conjunctivitis (often called pink eye) is a diagnosis in its own right.

The conjunctiva is a loose connective tissue that covers the surface of the eyeball (bulbar conjunctiva) and reflects back upon itself to form the inner layer of the eyelid (palpebral conjunctiva). It usually affects both eyes at the same time although it may start in one eye and spread to the other after a day or two.

The viral type is often associated with an upper respiratory tract infection, cold, or sore throat. Gonorrheal conjunctivitis generally produces a profuse, pus-like discharge. Left untreated, it can lead to blindness. Viral conjunctival infections are thought to be caused by airborne respiratory droplets or direct transfer from one’s fingers to the conjunctival surface of the eyelids. Overall however, there are many causes of pink eye.

These can be classified as either infectious or noninfectious. Pink eye caused by bacteria, viruses, and STDs can spread easily from person to person, but is not a serious health risk if diagnosed promptly. With antibiotic treatment, it typically goes away without complications.

Causes of Conjunctivitis

Here are the list of the possible causes of Conjunctivitis :

  • Viruses.
  • Bacteria.
  • A chemical splash in the eye.
  • A foreign object in the eye.
  • Conjunctivitis is most commonly caused by infection.
  • Radiation, especially the ultraviolet in sunlight.
  • Too much wind blowing on the eyes.
  • The most common cause of infectious conjunctivitis, especially in older children, is a viral infection.
  • Irritants such as shampoos, dirt, smoke, and pool chlorine.

Symptoms of Conjunctivitis

Some sign and symptoms related to Conjunctivitis are as follows :

  • Redness in the white of the eye or inner eyelid.
  • Greater amount of tears.
  • Burning eyes (especially in conjunctivitis caused by chemicals and irritants).
  • Blurred vision.
  • Infection usually begins with one eye, but may spread easily to the fellow eye.
  • Tearing.
  • Swollen eyelids.
  • Gritty feeling in the eyes.
  • Sensitivity to light.
  • Swelling.

Treatment of Conjunctivitis

Here is list of the methods for treating Conjunctivitis :

  • Patients who wish to return to hydrogel (soft) CLs should use peroxide disinfection systems or daily disposable hydrogel CLs.
  • Antibiotic eye ointment, in place of eyedrops, is sometimes prescribed for treating bacterial pink eye in children.
  • Topical mast cell-stabilizing solutions (eg, cromolyn sodium, lodoxamide) may offer a pharmacological alternative for these patients, although CL cessation is the most effective treatment.
  • Cool water may help to soothe the redness and itching.
  • Different types of eyedrops : Antihistamines, Decongestants, Mast cell stabilizers, Steroids and Anti-inflammatory drops.
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