Colon cleansing has become remarkably popular over the past few years, and with good reason. While you may have heard that healthy weight loss is a major benefit of colon cleansing, you will actually find that there are a great number of additional benefits that may even outweigh the weight loss. Let’s explore some of the benefits of colon cleansing.

The Benefits of Colon Cleansing

The principal idea behind colon cleansing is to rid the body of toxins that are collecting due to our Western-style diet and eating habits. With that being said, one of the first things you will notice as you finish your cleanse is a feeling that your body is in better condition.

You will very likely lose weight during your colon cleanse. How much weight you lose will depend on you as an individual; some people lose a great deal of weight, and others may not lose any at all. Generally speaking, it is normal to lose anywhere from 5 to 10 pounds over the length of a cleanse.

You will notice that your skin tone and feeling improves, and you will be able to think more clearly. You will have more energy and feel more alert — if you’re the type that has a “crash” around 1-3pm each day, you may notice that your afternoon lethargy decreases. Many have reported increased libido and sexual stamina after completing a cleanse, and if you’re into sports or other active pursuits you will benefit as well.

Foods to Eat and Foods to Avoid While Colon Cleansing

Whether this is your first colon cleanse or not, and no matter how long you are planning on cleansing for, it is critical to ensure that you’re eating the proper foods during and after your cleanse.

Here are some foods that you will want to avoid during your colon cleanse:

Fried Foods – foods that are fatty and heavy in fats or grease will be a detriment to your cleanse. Be sure to stay away from all things fried, and especially stay away from fast food.

Junk Food – junk food should need no explanation. Your cleanse will be compromised if you’re eating junk food while you’re on it. Stay away from chips, soft drinks, sugary foods, pretzels, pop tarts, and whatever else gives you your fix.

White flour and rice – If you’re the type that can’t get by without your daily toast, stay away from the white bread and pick up a loaf of 100% whole wheat. The same goes for rice — stay away from minute rice and aim for whole grain brown rice. It takes a bit longer to cook, but has a much higher level of nutrients and fiber.

Prepackaged Foods – try to stay away from anything that is processed. On top of having any number of added chemicals, processed foods tend to have very high levels of salt, which will negatively impact your cleanse by dehydrating you and taxing your digestive system.

Here are some of the foods that you want to include in your daily diet while cleansing:

Water – water is one of the requirements for life and is the most important part of your cleanse. Your body will require a good deal of water to assist with flushing the toxins out of your colon and digestive tract. Be sure to keep your body well hydrated.

Fiber – foods with high amounts of fiber — especially insoluble fiber, or what your Grandmother calls “roughage” — are excellent foods to consume during your cleanse. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and whole grains such as brown rice, oatmeal or bran flakes will assist with clearing out your system during the cleanse and maintaining a proper working order afterward. Acai is a recommended dietary supplement to take while colon cleansing due to its high fiber.

Chlorophyll – foods that are a deep green color generally contain high amounts of chlorophyll, which will help with soothing damaged tissues in your colon. Think of vegetables such as spinach, kale, wheatgrass, buckwheat and others.

Healthy Fats – your body still needs fats, but it’s important to be picky which kind of fats you’re taking in. Aim for “healthy” fats, such as olive or nut oils, oily fish such as salmon, or foods like avocado. Flax has a high level of omega fatty acids as well, and can easily be added to many dishes.

After reading through both of those lists it should come as little surprise that the foods to avoid should be avoided all of the time, and the foods to eat should be part of your regular diet. Having a successful colon cleanse and a healthy, functioning colon requires you to maintain a healthy diet. Your colon cleanse will improve the overall health of your digestive system — it’s up to you to maintain your good health.

The Side Effects of Colon Cleansing

Here’s some information on the minor “side effects” that you might experience during your cleanse.

Like any natural health remedy or medication, colon cleansing has the potential for minor side effects which vary based on the individual. Some of the possible side effects include:

-nausea which may be accompanied by fever
-headaches or migraines
-aching or pain

If you encounter any side effects, they will usually clear up quickly and you may or may not need to stop the cleanse. If you feel that your side effects are serious, stop the cleanse and seek out the advice of a doctor or other medical professional.

Don’t forget to ensure that you are well hydrated; keeping your water intake high will aid the cleanse and help prevent the side effects that will accompany dehydration.

How can I best avoid the side effects of colon cleansing?

As with anything, the key to avoiding side effects is by cleansing in moderation. If you engage in any method of colon cleansing too frequently without giving your body time to recover, you may end up damaging your colon. You can also reduce your colon’s effectiveness by cleansing too often as the beneficial bacteria and flora will be repeatedly washed away. This will negatively impact your body’s natural functions, and also your immune system. Follow the guidelines or instructions that you receive with your colon cleansing product and be sure to use it properly.

How Often Should You Do a Colon Cleanse?

The answer is that the needs of your digestive tract are unique to your body, and only you can dictate how often you need to be cleansing.

There are many factors that play in to the amount of waste that will back up in your system. First, you have to consider the amount of dietary fiber you consume. If you consume quite a bit of fiber, then you’re likely to have smooth passage of waste through your body on a regular basis. However, if you’re the type that likes to eat processed/junk foods (aren’t we all) or the type that eats a lot of white flour foods with few raw fruits and vegetables, you may not be getting enough fiber. And that can raise the need for you to cleanse and rinse out your digestive tract.

The next item you need to worry about is your regular water intake. If you keep yourself well-hydrated, then your body will have enough water to ensure that your digestive system is functioning properly. Actually, part of the function of your colon is to reclaim water from your waste, so having a healthy colon will even help keep you hydrated! Once again though, if you are the typical North American that drinks a good deal of caffeine and doesn’t have a very regular water intake, you probably are doing more harm than good to your digestive tract.

From personal experience, I would worry much more about cleansing too much than cleansing too little. I do take cleansing supplements regularly to keep my system as healthy as possible… and I try to eat as healthy as I can. If you’re doing a colon cleanse every month, every two months, etc… you should be safe. Just be sure to keep yourself hydrated and eating the proper foods while you’re on your cleanse and you will be fine.

Dietary Fiber – Keeping your Colon Healthy and Strong

Having a healthy daily intake of dietary fiber is an important part of keeping your colon healthy. Dietary fiber (we’ll refer to it as “fiber” from here on out) is the part of plant foods such as fruits, vegetables and grains that pass through your digestive system and colon without being digested. As fiber passes, it absorbs water and helps keep all of the food and waste passing smoothly through the intestines. A person without a good intake of fiber is going to have some… difficulty with their natural daily processes.

Fiber is made up of non-starch polysaccharides – such as cellulose – and other plant components such as waxes, chitins, pectins, dextrins and oligosaccharides. You can obtain fiber – usually categorized as either “water-soluble” or “insoluble” – through eating a wide variety of plant-based foods. Insoluble fiber attracts water as it passes through the intestines, which softens the waste and causes it to move a bit more quickly through your colon and digestive tract.

Fiber plays an important part in other dietary processes as well. More fiber in your diet is very beneficial for those trying to lose weight, as it helps you feel full for longer periods, causing less hunger and snacking cravings. Because fiber is obtained through healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables, obtaining a proper amount of fiber in your diet revolves around insuring you are eating lots of fruits and veggies which are loaded with additional vitamins and nutrients.

Any colon cleanse supplement you buy will have a good amount of fiber as an added part of the product. We believe through our testing that fiber is a very important piece of any colon cleanse and will help scrub your colon clean of the toxins and impurities that have built up. Fiber will also help with the weight loss portion of your colon cleanse, if that is your goal.

Make sure you’re getting enough fiber in your daily diet!

How a Colon Cleanse can Improve your Weight Loss

Are you on a diet, or trying to lose weight? Losing weight and maintaining that weight loss is one of the greatest challenges any individual can undertake. Along with proper diet and exercise, a colon cleanse will help you achieve your weight loss goals and provide you with a cleaner, healthier body.

The colon is the last piece of the digestive system that waste passes through on its way out of the body. The colon works to recover electrolytes, salt, and water from waste before it is passed. Beneficial bacteria in the colon, known as “gut flora,” break down fiber in the waste for nourishment and create enzymes which are used in turn by the cells in the lining of the colon for nourishment.

If you’re currently eating a diet that is very rich in fiber, foods that burn fat and fat burning fruits, then you’re a step ahead in keeping your colon healthy. However, if you’re guilty of eating a processed or “junk” foods, fast food, simple carbohydrates, or fatty foods, you are repeatedly putting a great deal of stress on your colon. An unhealthy colon puts a significant burden on the digestive system and other important bodily functions.

The colon works to remove bodily waste from the small intestine to outside of the body by muscle contraction. If the colon is blocked or lined with toxins and old waste, the system will slow down and the muscle action made less effective. In turn, the gut flora won’t provide as much benefit, which will reduce the overall health of your colon and digestive tract. Colon cleansing will assist the mobility of waste passage, and help —restore the system to proper working order.

Because of the less-than-ideal condition of the average person’s colon, It is recommended that you begin your weight loss regime with a colon cleanse. By starting with the cleanse, you will provide your body with a clean, healthy slate to continue to build and meet your weight loss goals. The added energy and vitality you feel will translate into increased stamina for your exercise program. You’ll also receive a nice “kick start” to your weight loss — many people lose anywhere from five to ten pounds during a colon cleanse.

One other very important item to consider is your water consumption. Cleansing and dieting in general are very dehydrating — your body is making use of a lot of water during exercise to burn calories, and using a lot during cleansing to flush out the toxins. Be sure to drink a minimum of eight glasses of water a day — this works out to about two liters. If you feel thirsty, you’ve waited too long to drink.

Overall, colon cleansing will give you a nice boost in your weight loss efforts, help you feel in better health, boost your energy and stamina, and improve the efficiency of your entire digestive tract. Remember to stay true to your weight loss goals and to work hard and you’ll achieve positive results.

Keep these tips in mind and you will have a positive experience with your cleanse. Good luck!

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All you need to know about colon cleansing and its benefits for weight loss
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