Ultratrim Hoodia Review

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UltraTrim Hoodia diet pill review

Ultratrim Hoodia is a weight loss appetite suppressant that reports to contain pure hoodia gordonii. Manufactured in the UK, this product is available from the company in both 500mg and 700mg concentrations of South African hoodia gordonii extract.

There are so many different hoodia diet pills on the market it can be confusing to know which one actually works and is best for you.

We review Ultratrim Hoodia to see if its claims can match the best appetite suppressants already on the market.

What is Ultratrim Hoodia?

Hoodia gordonii has been shown to be both safe and effective as an appetite suppressant and has been used for thousands of years.

According to the manufacturer, Ultratrim Hoodia is created in a UK laboratory that is registered with both the US FDA and the EPA. Two chemical analyses by a California-based lab are available on the manufacturer’s site and both appear to attest to the purity of Ultratrim in terms of it’s hoodia content.

Further examination of the analyses however reveal that they were performed in 2007 and are not meant to reflect the same quality in other samples.

Does Ultratrim work?

As with all weight loss supplements, the bottom line is the effectiveness of the ingredients. Whether Ultratrim’s hoodia extract is as effective as other hoodia products is unknown, since there are no comparison studies.

Additionally, there are no customer reviews as to the effectiveness of the product, despite the fact that they have sold over 10,000 bottles of Ultratrim Hoodia in a single year. They do not however, explain which year they are referring to.

Ultratrim Hoodia for Your Weight Loss?

Hoodia gordonii is certainly an excellent product that is safe and effective and does not require evasive, vague explanations to attest to it’s ability to help you lose weight.

However, we would not recommend Ultratrim Hoodia as an effective weight loss supplement. There are much better appetite suppressants on the market that contain genuine hoodia gordonii and have been clinically proven.

It is also interesting to note that there is a 30 day money back guarantee that only allows for refunds on unopened product. This translates to no refund if you use Ultratrim and find it does not work for you. It’s also questionable to make claims based on laboratory studies that were performed over three years ago, especially given that the shelf life of this product is 24 months.