Phentermine Review

Do diet pills work? We review the best diet pills and recommend the best!
Phentermine diet pill review

Phentermine is a controlled drug, only available via prescription and is used to help reduce weight in obese patients.

Originally given approval by the FDA during the 1950’s Phentermine is an appetite suppressant drug. Phentermine is classified as a controlled substance in many countries because it is similar to amphetamines.

How Phentermine Works

Phentermine works directly in the brain to release chemicals to trigger your flight or fight response which in turn reduces your sensations of hunger. Whilst, Phentermine also acts to breakdown stored fat it is primarily an appetite suppressant.

There is little doubt that Phentermine can help you to lose weight, but we would strongly recommend avoiding taking Phentermine. Whilst a powerful weight loss drug there are serious side-effects associated with taking Phentermine.

Click here for Safe Alternatives to Phentermine

Side Effects of Phentermine

Phentermine has been associated with a number of adverse side effects, the main ones reported were:

  • Blurred Vision
  • Headaches
  • Insomnia
  • Tiredness
  • Stomach Upsets

Should You Use Phentermine?

Based on the associated health risks we would recommend you to avoid taking Phentermine. Instead look to choose safe and side-effect free diet pills that have been clinically proven.

There are other powerful diet pills that have been clinically proven to be effective for weight loss. A much safe alternative to Phentermine is Phen24, a freely available non-prescription fat burning appetite suppressant shown to help you lose 2-5lbs per week.

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