Avesil Review

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Avesil diet pill review

The maker of Avesil weight loss supplement assure you that you will experience fast and safe weight loss using this product, even if you don’t increase your physical activity.

Supposedly substantiated by 284 published studies that attest to the claims of the effectiveness of the ingredients, Avesil promises to triple the amount of weight lost without the product.

Avesil sound too good to be true? Our Avesil review reveals how this diet pill may not be for you.

What is Avesil

The primary active ingredients in Avesil are Citrimax (AKA garcinia cambogia), green tea extract, chromium and caffeine. This combination is intended to suppress your appetite, increase metabolism and burn fat.

The caffeine in Avesil does have a stimulating effect however none of the other ingredients in this product are stimulants.

Click here for our recommended fat burner review.

Avesil Side-effects

Despite the fact that there is a single source of caffeine in this product, the manufacturer advises that individuals who have diabetes, Alzheimer’s Disease or any form of dementia should avoid using Avesil. The ingredient garcinia cambogia is reported to increase symptoms of dementia and also raises blood sugar levels.

As with many weight loss products, Avesil contains caffeine which can have serious side effects in some individuals and should be avoided by people who are sensitive to stimulants.

Should You Buy Avesil?

The manufacturer of Avesil makes broad generalizations regarding the effectiveness of this product. In fact, although they refer to some 200+ studies, they fail to provide citations for any of this evidence.

Avesil also attribute any positive results in the research to the effective of each ingredient, not the combination that makes the product.

Avesil’s makers apparently do not have confidence in their claims that you can lose weight without making any drastic changes in physical activity, since they suggest that you make significant changes in both your diet and add exercise to your daily regimen.

At nearly $100 for a month’s supply, this is one of the more expensive weight loss products available, there are much better diet pills on the market that offer a lot more at a cheaper price!

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