Apidexin Diet Pill Review

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Apidexin diet pill review

Promoted as the world’s strongest fat burner – Even stronger than prescription weight loss medications, by their manufacturers.

Apidexin claim you can lose 4-7 pounds of pure fat each weekwithout extra effort with their diet pill of 8 “patent-pending” ingredients.

Apidexin supposedly works by utilising some of the best diet and fat burning ingredients that are found in very few diet pills.

Does Apidexin work?

Contains an impressive list of ingredients – but is Apidexin pervasive as a weight loss diet pill?

That Apidexin works is backed only by the manufacturers customer feedback and the results of clinical studies performed on individual ingredients.

Whats in Apidexin?

Apidexin has an impressive list of ingredients, most of which appear to compliment body fat reduction.

  • Fucoxanthin – Thermogenic properties that can help increase the body’s metabolic rate
  • Razberi-K – Appears to have the potential to support body fat reduction
  • Guggul EZ 100 – Shown in studies to maintain normal blood lipid levels
  • Evodiamine – May support an increase in peripheral heat loss
  • Forslean – Patented for its ability to increase lean muscle tissue
  • Lipolide-SC – Supports an increase in the rate of fat burning
  • Infinergy DiCaffeine Malate – Like caffeine optimizes energy levels, but also stimulates thermogenisis while promoting mental focus

Apidexin side effects

There appear to be no reported side effects of using Apidexin. Apidexin does contain a proprietary amount of caffeine, so you may wish to consult a physician before taking as symptoms such as restlessness, insomnia and raised heart rate maybe experienced.

Apidexin for weight loss?

Despite an impressive list of ingredients the amounts of each ingredient are not listed, so their effectiveness is questionable. Little information seems to be available about the manufacturer and there seems to be no clinical trials on the complete product.

We would recommend looking at clinically proven diet pills that do not overstate their claims for effective weight loss solutions.

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