Accomplix Diet Pill Review

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Accomplix diet pill review

Accomplix is a weight loss supplement that claims to decrease the amount of fat absorbed, increase your metabolism and balance blood sugar levels.

If you are seeking information or an Accomplix review, you will find it difficult to tease out the facts from the hype. We find out if Accomplix can help you shed those excess pounds and help you feel slim again.

What is Accomplix?

Accomplix is taken as a capsule, twice daily on an empty stomach. No specific exercise routine is suggested, other than increasing your level of physical activity. Results from this product should appear within the first two weeks, and continued weight loss will occur for six to twelve months. At this point, the manufacturer explains that weight loss will stabilize, even though you are still taking Accomplix.

Although Accomplix works like a stimulant it bodly thates that it is free of ephedrine however, guarana one of the main ingredients has the same stimulant effect on the body.

The main active ingredients in Accomplix are vitamins and chromium. These are followed by a “Proprietary Bioactive Matrix”, which is a combination of mainly extracts and herbs. Hoodia gordonii is listed near the top of the list of ingredients, so you can be certain that this product does not contain 100% hoodia.

Accomplix Ingredients

According to the manufacturer, Accomplix contains hoodia gordonii, vitamins, minerals, herbs and green tea. One of the ingredients is guarana, which naturally contains high amounts of caffeine.

Does Accomplix Work?

Although Hoodia gordonii is listed near the top of the list of ingredients, there is little information as to where this is sourced and if it is fully certified, so you cannot be certain it contains 100% hoodia.

The safety of the other ingredients is touted by the manufacturer but there is no scientific study specific on Accomplix as a safe weight loss supplement. Only one study is cited to support the effectiveness of Accomplix and it fails to reveal how many individuals were involved in the study.

If you are interested in a weight loss supplement, it’s important for you to know the facts about the supplement, including how it helped people lose weight, and how many people were studied.

Should You Buy Accomplix?

Some of the ingredients in Accomplix such as hoodia gordonii have been found to be extraordinarily effective in helping people lose weight without feeling hungry. None of the other ingredients have evidence to have any effect on weight and in fact, guarana is a stronger stimulant than coffee.

The lack of any credible clinical trials on Accomplix and lack of transparency in the type of hoodia gordonii used makes us recommend alternative diet pills.

If you are looking to suppress your appetite and control your hunger to lose weight we would suggest looking at weight loss supplements that contain 100% hoodia gordonii.

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